The path has been set forth, my tickets have been bought and my bags are almost ready to be packed. As of June 11, I will be leaving the sanctuary of my warm cozy bed/home/life and enter into the Andean Highlands surrounding the Urubamba river, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, to re-integrate myself into the ever evolving new paradigm of global co-creation, along with the Native descendants of the Incan high priests, the Q'eros.
As I travel I will seek out internet Cafe's and continue to update and share everything worth sharing, which I'm sure there'll be plenty of.
Looking forward to this solo mission, and to the gifts I'll be able to share on the other side.
I love you all and wish me luck
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
How HAARP effects you.
A friend e-mailed me recently, asking about "whether or not I believed HAARP was responsible for the recent increase in global disasters?"
For those of you who don't know what HAARP is here an extract from
"The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes. The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska."
No doubt, this technology has sparked a series of conspiracy theories about the "true" purpose of the HAARP project. I've previously shown how all matter is influenced by subtle frequencies in vibrational resonance, therefore, if the right frequency is produced, anything can be manipulated. However, do I believe that this technology is being used as a new form of warfare? Well, to be honest, it doesn't really matter. Why? Because everything is perfect the way it is. There is nothing but is'ness and everything that IS, is the way it IS because that is the way it is supposed to be.
The current state of the earth is a manifestation of the collective consciousness. To make a change in the earth, start with yourself. To panic in fear and despair in the wake of the global melt-down, is to play into the emotional distress conjured by your own irrational non-self.
Breathe in, breathe out, take a step back and view the glory of Pachamama in her entirety. Too much focus on one aspect of the whole, will always reveal imperfections in the matrix. However, as a whole, this is nothing but immense beauty.
Global consciousness is elevating each glorious day, and with each new day, fellow brothers and sisters are awakening with us. It's true that we are evolving into a race of spiritually awakening beings, whether you like or not, and for most, whether you're ready or not.
In short, to heal the world, heal yourself and share that healing with your loved ones as much as possible. I believe that current global events are forcing us to reconcile with our internal Divinity to realise our true potential for change. A change that starts within, with 100% conviction. We are the dreamers and the time has come to dream a new global paradigm of conscious ascension and spiritual unity.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Why are you here?
I've spoken about this topic in the past, I know. However, now more than ever, it's becoming increasingly relevant and is playing/will play a vital role in the progression of the Divine beings we are, individually and collectively.
As more "rainbow warriors" re-awaken and a new world paradigm begins to strengthen, so too does the analytical separatist mind gain momentum.
With all that is going on in the world, today, I view this struggle between left and right imbalance as if it were happening within a single organism, which it is. On an individual level we know the battle as something more personal. Think of the 7 deadly sins, they're not sins, but rather internal struggles between the animal within you and your conscience. Your conscience is the presence of Divinity within you. The Divine within you understands the difference between right and wrong, and it is impossible to lie to this aspect of your Self. You are your greatest critic.
This leads to the question, "Why are you here?" Are you fulfilling your purpose of being? Or are you yet to discover your destiny.
Destiny isn't the common place occurrence of "this and that" in your life. Destiny, derived from Destination, is the end point. The "end" point is the lesson you chose, pre-incarnation, to learn, everything in-between is part of the journey, it is not your destiny.
Many of us are returning to this plane, as conduits of the age of Aquarius, ushering in the new age of conscious co-creation and Self-knowing. And as such, many of us will find that our individual role is to serve the collective progression from 3D into the ∞- dimensions.
What is meant by co-creation is that individually, reality is a state we've projected forth from our conscious programming, collectively "co-creating" the physical dimension of illusion. Fueled by animal emotions, western programming has leads to disunity with your fellow neighbor, to such a degree that we FEAR looking into the eyes of a complete stranger. We're always on the back foot, amped up with adrenalin, ready to fight or flee. Couple this fear with poor nutrition, hydration and living conditions and the result is a socially docile/obedient society, willing to bow their heads to "superiors". No one is superior to you because you are a Divine being. Behind the million dollar income, flash car, brand name wardrobe and expensive taste, we are all essentially the same.
Collectively we are here to experience. Experience what? Simply experience the blessing of life within in the dream, created by the dreamer, conscious only that there is eternal consciousness. Yet individually, we are the driving force behind what is experienced. And each individual journey, collectively creates the experience of the Divine, which is the 3d experience of God. Heavy.
As more "rainbow warriors" re-awaken and a new world paradigm begins to strengthen, so too does the analytical separatist mind gain momentum.
With all that is going on in the world, today, I view this struggle between left and right imbalance as if it were happening within a single organism, which it is. On an individual level we know the battle as something more personal. Think of the 7 deadly sins, they're not sins, but rather internal struggles between the animal within you and your conscience. Your conscience is the presence of Divinity within you. The Divine within you understands the difference between right and wrong, and it is impossible to lie to this aspect of your Self. You are your greatest critic.
This leads to the question, "Why are you here?" Are you fulfilling your purpose of being? Or are you yet to discover your destiny.
Destiny isn't the common place occurrence of "this and that" in your life. Destiny, derived from Destination, is the end point. The "end" point is the lesson you chose, pre-incarnation, to learn, everything in-between is part of the journey, it is not your destiny.
Many of us are returning to this plane, as conduits of the age of Aquarius, ushering in the new age of conscious co-creation and Self-knowing. And as such, many of us will find that our individual role is to serve the collective progression from 3D into the ∞- dimensions.
What is meant by co-creation is that individually, reality is a state we've projected forth from our conscious programming, collectively "co-creating" the physical dimension of illusion. Fueled by animal emotions, western programming has leads to disunity with your fellow neighbor, to such a degree that we FEAR looking into the eyes of a complete stranger. We're always on the back foot, amped up with adrenalin, ready to fight or flee. Couple this fear with poor nutrition, hydration and living conditions and the result is a socially docile/obedient society, willing to bow their heads to "superiors". No one is superior to you because you are a Divine being. Behind the million dollar income, flash car, brand name wardrobe and expensive taste, we are all essentially the same.
Collectively we are here to experience. Experience what? Simply experience the blessing of life within in the dream, created by the dreamer, conscious only that there is eternal consciousness. Yet individually, we are the driving force behind what is experienced. And each individual journey, collectively creates the experience of the Divine, which is the 3d experience of God. Heavy.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
God-Men and God-Women
In the every day culture of Kamit, the common goal of all Kamitians was to bring ones soul into alignment with the Divine. Through cultivating "Ra", life force, otherwise known as Kundalini, Qi, Ki etc, you gained the ability to exert your Divine will, in everyday situations, so that you were able to overcome what was known as the Khaibit, "Shadow".
This shadow aspect of your person, is not truly part of your being. To a degree it is useful, however in the journey towards Divinity it is what allows you to hold onto physical pleasures, indulging in things such as fast food, tobacco, coffee, chocolate etc.
The functionality of this state of mind resembles that of a reptile, which I've previously spoke about. If you ever seen a crocodile defending itself, it is lightning fast. Aggressive, fast and strong to such a degree that its body reacts instinctively for self defense, without the need for a brain to intellectualism what is going on. In the same way a snake's body will attempt to protect itself, well after it has been killed.
In a Divine being, the Khaibit is also responsible for the same response on uncomfortable situations, where you often "snap" and "lash out" aggressively as a mechanism for self defense.
Spiritual guru's will often teach their students about "releasing all judgments from the mind" and "realising unity with all." The truth about these statements is that it's impossible to apply these concepts into your life through intellectual realisation. They have to be overcome, by your will.
What is your will? You can take a plethora of differant courses nowadays encompassing the topic of will power, and achieving what you want in life, through determination and struggle. Motivational speakers will often share stories of "mind over matter" which allowed the Divine will to overcome the Khaibit.
In short, your will is what sets you aside from the animal kingdom, and puts you on a direct and equal plain with the Divine Universal God. What this means is that through realising your Divinity, you become a God-Man or God-Woman, which the Kamitians knew as the Ausars.
So, what is the will? Represented in Kamit by Heru (Horus), the will is the ability to CHOOSE the course of your life. We each have a life-destiny, however, freedom of choice allows us to journey to the destination individually. Freedom of choice is what sets you apart from the animal kingdom. You can always choose whats best for yourself, but once your choices are dominated by the reptilian aspect of your being, you lose the ability to chose consciously and act through emotional desires and pleasures.
Life is a constant journey towards Divinity, know that you have the choice to apply your will to achieve all that you desire, through devotion to your Divine Self, and living by the Laws of God.
This shadow aspect of your person, is not truly part of your being. To a degree it is useful, however in the journey towards Divinity it is what allows you to hold onto physical pleasures, indulging in things such as fast food, tobacco, coffee, chocolate etc.
The functionality of this state of mind resembles that of a reptile, which I've previously spoke about. If you ever seen a crocodile defending itself, it is lightning fast. Aggressive, fast and strong to such a degree that its body reacts instinctively for self defense, without the need for a brain to intellectualism what is going on. In the same way a snake's body will attempt to protect itself, well after it has been killed.
In a Divine being, the Khaibit is also responsible for the same response on uncomfortable situations, where you often "snap" and "lash out" aggressively as a mechanism for self defense.
Spiritual guru's will often teach their students about "releasing all judgments from the mind" and "realising unity with all." The truth about these statements is that it's impossible to apply these concepts into your life through intellectual realisation. They have to be overcome, by your will.
What is your will? You can take a plethora of differant courses nowadays encompassing the topic of will power, and achieving what you want in life, through determination and struggle. Motivational speakers will often share stories of "mind over matter" which allowed the Divine will to overcome the Khaibit.
In short, your will is what sets you aside from the animal kingdom, and puts you on a direct and equal plain with the Divine Universal God. What this means is that through realising your Divinity, you become a God-Man or God-Woman, which the Kamitians knew as the Ausars.
So, what is the will? Represented in Kamit by Heru (Horus), the will is the ability to CHOOSE the course of your life. We each have a life-destiny, however, freedom of choice allows us to journey to the destination individually. Freedom of choice is what sets you apart from the animal kingdom. You can always choose whats best for yourself, but once your choices are dominated by the reptilian aspect of your being, you lose the ability to chose consciously and act through emotional desires and pleasures.
Life is a constant journey towards Divinity, know that you have the choice to apply your will to achieve all that you desire, through devotion to your Divine Self, and living by the Laws of God.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Gratitude To The Divine Medicine
I've been, admittedly, a little lazy recently. Caught up in a whirlwind of spiritual exploration, which has led to an unfortunate lack of blogging. However, I'm glad to announce that a recent experience has re-calibrated my spirit and reinforced my "knowing" of the Divine Self.
I have an immense amount of gratitude, for the divine plant medicines of the world. Each native culture, around the world, pays homage to a divine plant teacher, whether it's the San Pedro cactus of the Andes, the Ayahuasca vine of the Amazon, the Amanita Muscaria of Siberia, the Acaicias of Australia or the Peyote Cactus of Mexico, we owe a great deal to these faithful partners in the ongoing conscious expansion of spiritual exploration.
The late entheogenic psychonaut and philosopher, Terence McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000), hypothesised that the turning point in human evolution was the integration between pre-intellectual man and entheogenic mushrooms. These entheogens are not only hallucinogens, they are the gateway to the "other worlds" frequented by native shamanic healers and diviners. Formally known as the "Stoned Ape Theory" McKenna hypothesised that the consumption of mushrooms containing the chemical psilocybin, opening the flood gates for sudden cognitive evolution.
There is no doubt that these natural substances are a key ingredient in the spiritual development of man-kind and reuniting man with god. The word natural is derived from the Latin word, Natura, which was derived from the Kamitic word Neter. The literal translation for Neter is God/Divine being, which means that anything we know as "natural" is innately linked with the Divine being.
Addiction to natural entheogens is almost never seen, as it is the highly concentrated, purified and refined derivatives, which are the cause of addictions in modern society. What this means is that there is a 100% valid position for these plants to stand in, in modern society, which has been demonstrated in early psychological and addiction therapies.
Anyone who has ever been exposed to entheogenic substances will attest the unity consciousness and sense of spiritual upliftment experienced, through the ceremonial use of the plant allies.
We are living in an age where technology is beginning to fail us, in fulfilling our spiritual desires, and sense of unity with our brothers and sisters and as the rainbow warriors re-awaken from slumber the rainbow tribe, of early creation stories, is reuniting under one common cause, ONENESS with all.
I have an immense amount of gratitude, for the divine plant medicines of the world. Each native culture, around the world, pays homage to a divine plant teacher, whether it's the San Pedro cactus of the Andes, the Ayahuasca vine of the Amazon, the Amanita Muscaria of Siberia, the Acaicias of Australia or the Peyote Cactus of Mexico, we owe a great deal to these faithful partners in the ongoing conscious expansion of spiritual exploration.
The late entheogenic psychonaut and philosopher, Terence McKenna (November 16, 1946 – April 3, 2000), hypothesised that the turning point in human evolution was the integration between pre-intellectual man and entheogenic mushrooms. These entheogens are not only hallucinogens, they are the gateway to the "other worlds" frequented by native shamanic healers and diviners. Formally known as the "Stoned Ape Theory" McKenna hypothesised that the consumption of mushrooms containing the chemical psilocybin, opening the flood gates for sudden cognitive evolution.
There is no doubt that these natural substances are a key ingredient in the spiritual development of man-kind and reuniting man with god. The word natural is derived from the Latin word, Natura, which was derived from the Kamitic word Neter. The literal translation for Neter is God/Divine being, which means that anything we know as "natural" is innately linked with the Divine being.
Addiction to natural entheogens is almost never seen, as it is the highly concentrated, purified and refined derivatives, which are the cause of addictions in modern society. What this means is that there is a 100% valid position for these plants to stand in, in modern society, which has been demonstrated in early psychological and addiction therapies.
Anyone who has ever been exposed to entheogenic substances will attest the unity consciousness and sense of spiritual upliftment experienced, through the ceremonial use of the plant allies.
We are living in an age where technology is beginning to fail us, in fulfilling our spiritual desires, and sense of unity with our brothers and sisters and as the rainbow warriors re-awaken from slumber the rainbow tribe, of early creation stories, is reuniting under one common cause, ONENESS with all.
Monday, January 31, 2011
The Shu-cret To Sleeping
Sleep, it's something which often eludes us, at the worst times conceivable. Fueled by caffeine, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar and adrenalin, the 9-5 work day can wreak havoc, when it finally comes to catching those phantom "ZZZ's." The modern day drone has dealt with this issue, usually with a prescription/OTC sedative to aid in the battle. A cocktail of sedatives at night and soup of "uppers" in the morning, what a fantastic example of a well-equipped system of health (NOT).
Sleep is vital to spiritual development, because while you sleep, you are receptive to communication with your Divine Spirit. This has led to the advent of dream interpretation. The truth about dream interpretation, is that no one can truly interpret your dreams for you. We are all receptive to various messages, and will understand these messages in different ways. The message will always be Divine, and for further clarification you should seek the counsel of a Diviner or ancient Oracle system. (Refer to "Metu Neter")
Why do some people fall asleep, without a hitch, on command, yet others find it so difficult. So much so, that the fact that it's difficult becomes something that's keeping you up. Trying to sleep, is keeping you awake. What a conundrum.
One reason is because your sleep/wake cycles may be distorted. We all have a "standard" built in body clock, which when functioning, is extremely efficient at regulating hormone secretion and biochemical processes. Stimulants, such as caffeine, energy drinks and energy pills work by stimulating the hormone centers of the body, in favour of a wakeful state. If regulated, the adverse effects are preventable, however if there is no system of management in place, the bodies ability to regulate hormonal fluctuations becomes jeopardized, and sleep assumes the form of the evasive treasure within the dragons lair. At this stage, you are able to restore homeostasis, through Qi Gong exercises, homeopathy, meditation or WILL POWER (note: will power is often tag-teamed with nasty withdrawal symptoms).
The other scenario is "The Worrier". The perpetual worry wart, who can't seem to stop thinking about the problems of past, present and future. High strung, sleep deprived and often infested with a cold or flu, these people have so much to worry about, sometimes they'd prefer not to sleep, so that they can get "stuff" done.
This is often a displacement of energy, within your heart centre, which in turn leads to "POW" (Prolonged onset of worrying). To address this issue, you may like to try chanting a mantra. The manta is "SHU" (pronounced: "Shoe"), whilst following the breathing exercise from one of my previous posts. This particular mantra moves energy through the liver meridian, which, when blocked, manifests as anger, anxiety, etc.
What ever the reason, if you're not getting sufficient amounts of sleep each night, you will preform poorly during the day. Prolonged sleep deprivation is a leading cause of misdiagnosed diseases in the world today, along with dehydration.
Go to bed, it's where your wildest dreams come true.
Andray Voronov
Sleep is vital to spiritual development, because while you sleep, you are receptive to communication with your Divine Spirit. This has led to the advent of dream interpretation. The truth about dream interpretation, is that no one can truly interpret your dreams for you. We are all receptive to various messages, and will understand these messages in different ways. The message will always be Divine, and for further clarification you should seek the counsel of a Diviner or ancient Oracle system. (Refer to "Metu Neter")
Why do some people fall asleep, without a hitch, on command, yet others find it so difficult. So much so, that the fact that it's difficult becomes something that's keeping you up. Trying to sleep, is keeping you awake. What a conundrum.
One reason is because your sleep/wake cycles may be distorted. We all have a "standard" built in body clock, which when functioning, is extremely efficient at regulating hormone secretion and biochemical processes. Stimulants, such as caffeine, energy drinks and energy pills work by stimulating the hormone centers of the body, in favour of a wakeful state. If regulated, the adverse effects are preventable, however if there is no system of management in place, the bodies ability to regulate hormonal fluctuations becomes jeopardized, and sleep assumes the form of the evasive treasure within the dragons lair. At this stage, you are able to restore homeostasis, through Qi Gong exercises, homeopathy, meditation or WILL POWER (note: will power is often tag-teamed with nasty withdrawal symptoms).
The other scenario is "The Worrier". The perpetual worry wart, who can't seem to stop thinking about the problems of past, present and future. High strung, sleep deprived and often infested with a cold or flu, these people have so much to worry about, sometimes they'd prefer not to sleep, so that they can get "stuff" done.
This is often a displacement of energy, within your heart centre, which in turn leads to "POW" (Prolonged onset of worrying). To address this issue, you may like to try chanting a mantra. The manta is "SHU" (pronounced: "Shoe"), whilst following the breathing exercise from one of my previous posts. This particular mantra moves energy through the liver meridian, which, when blocked, manifests as anger, anxiety, etc.
What ever the reason, if you're not getting sufficient amounts of sleep each night, you will preform poorly during the day. Prolonged sleep deprivation is a leading cause of misdiagnosed diseases in the world today, along with dehydration.
Go to bed, it's where your wildest dreams come true.
Andray Voronov
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
You Are Peaceful By Nature

Science has shown us that when we are in a mental state of anger, anxiety, sadness, depression or stress a few physiological changes occur to our bodies, which prolonged exposure to, may lead to chronic illness and disease later on down the track.
Basically, any of the above states of mind, cause a shift in your physical chemistry, which lowers your immune system, lowers cognitive function, increases your susceptibility to disease and floods the body with catabolic hormones (hormones which break down tissue). One question I'd like to raise here is, "If something is causing harm to the body, whereby the immune system is weakened and the body is open to physical illness, is that something natural and beneficial to the body?" For example is a bacterial infection natural/beneficial to your body? Is an emotion, which functions similarly to an infection on your mental capabilities, natural/beneficial to you? The answer is no.
Like I eluded to last week, the Divine Spirit, commonly known as your soul, is formless by nature, which means it isn't bound to your physical body. In this formlessness, there is complete and utter unity, which in other words is peace. I've mentioned this is previous posts, and my book, that this state of peace resonates with unconditional love. What this means is that you, by nature, are in complete and utter peace with ALL. It is not in your nature, to feel anger if someone steals from you, it's not in your nature to become stressed out and break down, emotionally, if your finances aren't sufficient each month.
The reason why it's so easy to follow your emotions in situations which draw on past experiences, is because many people are controlled by the animal spirit within them. This is the animal which reacts out of impulse and reflexes in stressful situations. Think about the last time you made a vital decision whilst you were emotionally incapacitated. Choices you make in this state, are almost never the correct choices to further develop your spiritual presence.
In the Kamitic tradition of the Paut Neteru (the tree of life) the "0" sphere is represented by Amun. The modern day misconception is that Amun Ra is the Ancient Egyptian Sun God, where in fact the word Amun, translates to "hidden" and Ra translates to "energy." The word Ra is the Kamitic equivalent of the Chinese term Qi (Life force). So in essence the term Amun Ra, literally, means hidden life-force, which resembles the Christian terms Holy Father/Spirit/Ghost.
This aspect of the Paut Neteru, sphere "0", is in opposition to sphere "10" Geb, which is the material/physical world. Therefore "0" represents the subjective world, and "10" represents the objective world.
If our Divine Spirit is rooted in the "0" sphere, this means that once we are able to overcome the destructive nature of our animal faculties, we too return to a state of peace. Peace and joy, in every thing which happens to you in your life.
This is the journey of the initiate to reestablish the Self with the Ausarian Divine Self. We are all Divine beings, created in the likeness of God. The quality of a drop of water is no different from the ocean, it merely differs in quantity, just as your are a reflection of the Divine.
(This work is based on my interpretation of the information presented in the "Metu Neter: Vol 1"by Ra Un Nefer Amen)
Peace and Love,
Andray Voronov
PS, remember to follow my blog posts via the various buttons on this page :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Be Like Water
Spirituality has definitely gained momentum over the last 50 years, led by a plethora of Gurus, Mystics, Holy men and spiritual intellects. However, as I've previously expressed in many posts, YOU are your greatest Guru. What I mean is that, you inherently poses the ability to guide yourself through the game of life.
Taoist teachers express the importance of water when journeying on the path of enlightenment. Water flows effortlessly, continually moving through cycles of life. Water is never "gone," nor can more be created. Despite the technological advancement of mankind, we are yet to harness the ability to "create" water. Water can become a fine mist in the air or it can crash with the force of a thousand tonnes.
“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee
In the quest for the expansion of consciousness, this free flowing principle is vitally important. You may jump from teacher to teacher, yet until you return to your own center of being, you will only be traveling on another persons path. The path to your spiritual ascension doesn't lie in the hands of just one other, just as a drop of water isn't bound to one river. Once you reach the ocean, awareness of unity is inevitable.
The following video is something I stumbled on whilst channel surfing the internet, and it shows what quantum physics is showing us today. That is, that we are all part of an indescribable unit, inherently undivided by nature. Our perceptual restriction, through an ego driven separation, has led many to confusion. However, once the ego subsides and loses its grasp on physical reality, the true nature of the Divine unit is revealed.
It is undeniable, that spiritual exploration is part of human nature. Just as water journeys in a cycle of continuous renewal, we too move through revolution-ary states of presence (subjective and objective).
Stay tuned for an in-depth look at meditation through the teachings of Kamitic process of spiritual development.
Andray Voronov
Taoist teachers express the importance of water when journeying on the path of enlightenment. Water flows effortlessly, continually moving through cycles of life. Water is never "gone," nor can more be created. Despite the technological advancement of mankind, we are yet to harness the ability to "create" water. Water can become a fine mist in the air or it can crash with the force of a thousand tonnes.
“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee
In the quest for the expansion of consciousness, this free flowing principle is vitally important. You may jump from teacher to teacher, yet until you return to your own center of being, you will only be traveling on another persons path. The path to your spiritual ascension doesn't lie in the hands of just one other, just as a drop of water isn't bound to one river. Once you reach the ocean, awareness of unity is inevitable.
The following video is something I stumbled on whilst channel surfing the internet, and it shows what quantum physics is showing us today. That is, that we are all part of an indescribable unit, inherently undivided by nature. Our perceptual restriction, through an ego driven separation, has led many to confusion. However, once the ego subsides and loses its grasp on physical reality, the true nature of the Divine unit is revealed.
It is undeniable, that spiritual exploration is part of human nature. Just as water journeys in a cycle of continuous renewal, we too move through revolution-ary states of presence (subjective and objective).
Stay tuned for an in-depth look at meditation through the teachings of Kamitic process of spiritual development.
Andray Voronov
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Harmony: A new way of looking at the Universe
A teaser to the new film based on the book "Harmony: A new way of looking at the Universe," by Prince Charles.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
A Time For Perspective

From the force felt in QLD, with flash flooding already claiming the lives of 14 people, the bush fires south of Perth, continued drought through out South Australia and anticipated flash flooding in Melbourne, which has already hit the North West of Victoria. With conditions, as they are, the mind-state of the entire nation has shifted, undoubtedly to a sense of unity through crisis.
It's unfortunate, that crisis is needed for perspective. However, when all is lost, it's all we have. So far, I've heard many stories of survival and gratitude that the families, of many caught in the epicenter of the deluge, are safe. What I haven't heard is disappointment and anguish revolving how much material wealth has been lost. Similar to the New Orleans disasters of 2005, family and love prevail as the driving force behind the morale of every single soul effected.
My heart goes out to those evacuated, without homes or who have lost a family member/loved one. My appreciation and gratitude also exudes each and every pore for the SES (State Emergency Services) and other volunteer workers helping in the rescue efforts, in the wake of the current crises'.
Recently, on a trip to South East Asia, I witnessed, first hand, what brings a community together in the absence of material wealth, family. No matter where we traveled, the poverty, hunger, corruption and destructive force of nature was always overcome by the force of human perseverance, spiritual will and family community.
United as one, a community will always rise up against the greatest odds, and help each other, through times of hardship.
We are blessed, truly, with the ability to put into action our spiritual will, relinquishing ourselves of separatism and judgment.
As I always say, see the world through the Taoists mind and you will see that, in the face of adversity, there is always another side. In this case, the unity it's conjured for a common cause, the safety and health of our fellow earthlings (two legged and more).
Thank you to all who have suffered in this time, thank you for those who have lost so much. Thank you for uniting a nation and putting our own lives into perspective.
Love and appreciation for all.
Andray Voronov
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Jim Carey's Enlightenment Experience
This is a video I love, featuring Jim Carey Speaking of his experience with a state of enlightenment, presumably through the Divine DMT.
I hope you enjoy this video just as much as I did.
Andray Voronov
You Are the Key To Your Own Healing
It's undeniable that the world is in need of light workers. There are amazing people, around the world, who are working the flesh off their fingers, to see as many people in need, as humanly possible. The work that is being done is uplifting the energetic frequencies of our mother, clients and loved ones. It's truly fantastic to see all so many Healers awakening to their innate abilities.
However, I want to turn the responsibility back on you for a second. Albeit, I love what I do and find great pleasure out of helping others, at the end of the day, your greatest Healer, is none other than yourself. You are the key to manifesting the Healing, which occurs in your life.
I've seen many of my clients hop, skip and jump from one therapist, to another, then another and another, usually ending up back in the same spot they were in the first place, without any clearer understanding of why they are in pain or are feeling the way they do.
Once again I wish to draw your attention back to your state of God-Self. As the centre of your own universe, you are the creator of your own circumstances. What this means, is that, somewhere along the line you've made a choice, which has resonated on a particular frequencies, and has brought you to your current state. Where it's food, relationships, job or environment, there has been a choice made by you, that has brought you to where you are.
There are always three choices, which can be many in any situation. There is acceptance (Yes), rejection (No) and indifference (Maybe). This is the rule of choice, and each time an opportunity to choose arises, it is your responsibility to choose what you, within your heart of hearts, feel is right for you.
Mastery of the choices you make, for example the food you decided to consume, will lead to mastery of Self, and as a result, mastery of your Spirit. When you make rash decisions, based on the benefit of others, there is only ONE who won't benefit, YOU.
When making choices, how does one choose what's right for them? Most of our choices are made in accordance to past experiences. We know that fire is hot, so we choose not to touch it, however, not every answer is as simple.
Listen to your intuition. Intuition is a communion between you and your Higher Self, which unlike the common misconception, is not an external force in your life. It is the Ego-less you, unbound by the physical reality of 3D. As you are one with the Universe, you are one with all beings, and communication with this part of your innate being will ultimately lead you to your own Healing.
The truth is, any healer, is merely a facilitator (in my opinion). They are guides/manifestations of your Higher Self, which allow your intuitive (often dormant) healing abilities to resurface. The real work which occurs is in your hands.
Be the creator of your own Divine reality, and each and every gift received will fuel your on going journey on the path of Self-Mastery and Self-Healing.
As always I send you my love and appreciation for reading and hope you enjoy life as much as I do.
love love love love,
Andray Voronov,
Ps. Remember to share this post with your loved ones
However, I want to turn the responsibility back on you for a second. Albeit, I love what I do and find great pleasure out of helping others, at the end of the day, your greatest Healer, is none other than yourself. You are the key to manifesting the Healing, which occurs in your life.
I've seen many of my clients hop, skip and jump from one therapist, to another, then another and another, usually ending up back in the same spot they were in the first place, without any clearer understanding of why they are in pain or are feeling the way they do.
Once again I wish to draw your attention back to your state of God-Self. As the centre of your own universe, you are the creator of your own circumstances. What this means, is that, somewhere along the line you've made a choice, which has resonated on a particular frequencies, and has brought you to your current state. Where it's food, relationships, job or environment, there has been a choice made by you, that has brought you to where you are.
There are always three choices, which can be many in any situation. There is acceptance (Yes), rejection (No) and indifference (Maybe). This is the rule of choice, and each time an opportunity to choose arises, it is your responsibility to choose what you, within your heart of hearts, feel is right for you.
Mastery of the choices you make, for example the food you decided to consume, will lead to mastery of Self, and as a result, mastery of your Spirit. When you make rash decisions, based on the benefit of others, there is only ONE who won't benefit, YOU.
When making choices, how does one choose what's right for them? Most of our choices are made in accordance to past experiences. We know that fire is hot, so we choose not to touch it, however, not every answer is as simple.
Listen to your intuition. Intuition is a communion between you and your Higher Self, which unlike the common misconception, is not an external force in your life. It is the Ego-less you, unbound by the physical reality of 3D. As you are one with the Universe, you are one with all beings, and communication with this part of your innate being will ultimately lead you to your own Healing.
The truth is, any healer, is merely a facilitator (in my opinion). They are guides/manifestations of your Higher Self, which allow your intuitive (often dormant) healing abilities to resurface. The real work which occurs is in your hands.
Be the creator of your own Divine reality, and each and every gift received will fuel your on going journey on the path of Self-Mastery and Self-Healing.
As always I send you my love and appreciation for reading and hope you enjoy life as much as I do.
love love love love,
Andray Voronov,
Ps. Remember to share this post with your loved ones
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Rites Of Passage
It's sad, that most of our traditional "rites of passage" have been tossed to the wayside. Societal steps towards communal acceptance, which were once the core of tribal communities, building the next generation of leaders.
In a way, I guess, we retain some form of initiatory process, however, nowadays they seem to revolve around alcohol fueled parties, sex, drugs and gambling, without any real benefit to the individual in question, beside boasting about how many pints of beer they are able to drink, before intoxication.
Not only were rites of passage a way to bring a child into "man-hood," they were a core practice in building the community morale and codes of conduct amongst group members and key to the spiritual development of the group as a whole.
I once heard a story of a Native American tradition, which was used as their own "rite of passage." As a boy was coming of age he would be sent into the wilderness, alone, with nothing but a cloth. His task was to travel, deep, into the forest and find an unfamiliar place to sit. As the sun was setting he would use the cloth to blind fold himself, at which point he would not be allowed to remove it until rays of the morning sun pierced the cloth, blessing him as a "man". Surrounded by wolves, bears and other nocturnal predators, to become a man his fears would have to be overcome and his "monkey mind" would have to be silenced.
After a night of unrest, the sun would rise and the boy would shed his blindfold. He would then "see" that whilst he sat in darkness, so did his father, watching over him, spear in hand. The lesson "downloaded" would be that no matter where you are or how scared you may be, the holy father/Great Spirit, will always watch over you, protecting you in the darkest of times.
I do believe that the misplacement of this societal tradition has lead to a sense unknowing amongst the youth of today. A disconnected view of Self and the personal relationship possible with Great Spirit, which may account for the increase in adolescent crime and depression in the 21st century.
With over expose to the "pleasures" of modern life, it's easy to lose ourselves and our traditions in the vast ocean of materialism, which is never further than a mouse click away.
The fact that we've become a multicultural global community can only benefit us in this process, allowing a cross-pollination of cultures. Bringing the smallest minorities around the world closer together, as a unity of conscious earthlings.
LOVE always,
Andray Voronov
PS Remember to share this post with your friends and family with one of the options below :)
In a way, I guess, we retain some form of initiatory process, however, nowadays they seem to revolve around alcohol fueled parties, sex, drugs and gambling, without any real benefit to the individual in question, beside boasting about how many pints of beer they are able to drink, before intoxication.
Not only were rites of passage a way to bring a child into "man-hood," they were a core practice in building the community morale and codes of conduct amongst group members and key to the spiritual development of the group as a whole.
I once heard a story of a Native American tradition, which was used as their own "rite of passage." As a boy was coming of age he would be sent into the wilderness, alone, with nothing but a cloth. His task was to travel, deep, into the forest and find an unfamiliar place to sit. As the sun was setting he would use the cloth to blind fold himself, at which point he would not be allowed to remove it until rays of the morning sun pierced the cloth, blessing him as a "man". Surrounded by wolves, bears and other nocturnal predators, to become a man his fears would have to be overcome and his "monkey mind" would have to be silenced.
After a night of unrest, the sun would rise and the boy would shed his blindfold. He would then "see" that whilst he sat in darkness, so did his father, watching over him, spear in hand. The lesson "downloaded" would be that no matter where you are or how scared you may be, the holy father/Great Spirit, will always watch over you, protecting you in the darkest of times.
I do believe that the misplacement of this societal tradition has lead to a sense unknowing amongst the youth of today. A disconnected view of Self and the personal relationship possible with Great Spirit, which may account for the increase in adolescent crime and depression in the 21st century.
With over expose to the "pleasures" of modern life, it's easy to lose ourselves and our traditions in the vast ocean of materialism, which is never further than a mouse click away.
The fact that we've become a multicultural global community can only benefit us in this process, allowing a cross-pollination of cultures. Bringing the smallest minorities around the world closer together, as a unity of conscious earthlings.
LOVE always,
Andray Voronov
PS Remember to share this post with your friends and family with one of the options below :)
Friday, January 7, 2011
Flaw beneath "The Secret"

The simple act of changing one's perceptual abilities, to see the "positive" in all situation, keeping a conscious goal in mind, can provide positive states of mind for the initiate, as the popularity of "the secret" has shown, however, a conscious thought cannot influence what is innately controlled by the super-conscious mind. I've previously, explained how the circumstances in your life are influenced by the happenings within the super-conscious (read more here). In this way the conscious mind is limited to the 7±2 pieces of information it's able to hold at any given time. To attract, from universal frequencies, goals through the conscious mind is literally impossible, due to this fact. This is shown by the lack of instant millionaires turning up as a result of living "the secret."
Is there really a "secret"? The simple answer is yes, but it doesn't involve consciously projecting goals into the abyss of time and space. Manifestation of goals is an art form, developed by our forefathers in Kamit (Ancient Egypt). To create something out of nothing is a spiritual journey. A spiritual journey of manifestation, bringing elements of a higher dimension into this 3D reality. The greater your spiritual development, the quicker these manifestations become.
For the average person, who hasn't spent time identifying Self as God, this form of creation is near impossible. This is the initiatory process of life. You are the initiate in life's ever flowing game.
Altered states of consciousness have always been portrayed as a key element in the initiatory process. Every native culture, bar none, have a system of spiritual development, through altered states of consciousness, however, the practice may vary. Whether the triggers are hallucinogens, breathing techniques, fasting, yoga or meditation, the end state of mind always the same, Samadhi.
Samadhi, in short, is a state of unity consciousness, alternatively known as Christ Consciousness. Unity between all things. In this state, access is granted to your own God Self, the super-consciousness. Here, is where seeds may be planted for objective manifestation.
Spiritual ascension requires devotion. Not to be mistaken with devotion to a being outside of the Self, however, it is devotion to your Higher Self. In the Kamitic system of spiritual cultivation, this devotion is depicted by Auset's devotion to Ausar, the Higher Self.
It is obvious that, in this day and age, more and more people are re-awakening to the possibilities that spiritual development holds for us. I say re-awakening, because this is not "new" knowledge. We have all lived through this previously, and as global consciousness is ascending to a new paradigm of awareness, many of us are being thrown into the ether of spirituality beyond 3D, often quicker than many are ready for.
To read more, invest in my E-Book, by clicking below and become the initiate in your own life.
Loving you always,
Andray Voronov
PS. remember to share this post with your loved ones, or click follow in the column on the right :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Paradigm Shift

Each day an increasing amount of people are faced with the question "what is my purpose?" We are all part of a Divine plan. This isn't a path given to you by a heavenly presence, sitting atop a throne within a palace of clouds, this is the path that you've chosen for yourself. As I've previously explained, your nature of being is essentially part of the "Whole". The Whole which is complete and utter unity between all things in the entire universe. Your true state of presence is of a God-being. Therefore, through unity, there cannot be any other but the unit. Every life, every year, every day is an extension of this conscious will to manifest circumstances which require dexterity and devotion to the Self, in order to overcome. Which is why it gratifies me beyond explanation to see so many light beings are awakening to the new paradigm.
There is a curious synchronicity, a Divine balance, within all existence, which has theorists baffled. This balance has long been lost on our planet and mother "feels" the pain. Our mother bleeds, each day, by the hand of "civilization." A global society, which has raped the planet of all natural resources gifted to us, without thanks or appreciation.
As the rainbow tribe awakens from the slumber of days past, we are reclaiming our heritage in the land that we've long traveled. The recent "green" movement is one such example of this global ascension process at work. Our unconscious Divinity is attempting to restore balance, where nature and science can co-exist in a harmonious relationship. One is not greater than the other, they simply compliment each other.
Unconsciously, we are all co-creators of this Divine reality. The reality which sees the re-establishment of a global consciousness grid of pure unconditional love (Christ consciousness grid).
Understanding the Self is essential to understanding the Divine nature of all "things". This is because the Self is essentially "no-thing". An energetic frequency (Aungk) which gives birth to all things. All physical manifestations originate from this nothingness. Thus, returning to this state of ego-less Divinity, one can commune with ALL through unconditional love.
Each and everyday, I give thanks to my Higher Self for the opportunity to be present at this point in time, watching all this wonder and glory manifest in our 3D reality. To know that the work of our ascended forefathers has come full circle and we are remembering the essential balance, which sits in our hands.
The reality you live is yours by choice. Stand up to the responsibility of this choice and awaken as the rainbow warrior!
love always,
Andray Voronov
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