Monday, January 31, 2011

The Shu-cret To Sleeping

Sleep, it's something which often eludes us, at the worst times conceivable. Fueled by caffeine, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar and adrenalin, the 9-5 work day can wreak havoc, when it finally comes to catching those phantom "ZZZ's." The modern day drone has dealt with this issue, usually with a prescription/OTC sedative to aid in the battle. A cocktail of sedatives at night and soup of "uppers" in the morning, what a fantastic example of a well-equipped system of health (NOT).

Sleep is vital to spiritual development, because while you sleep, you are receptive to communication with your Divine Spirit. This has led to the advent of dream interpretation. The truth about dream interpretation, is that no one can truly interpret your dreams for you. We are all receptive to various messages, and will understand these messages in different ways. The message will always be Divine, and for further clarification you should seek the counsel of a Diviner or ancient Oracle system. (Refer to "Metu Neter")

Why do some people fall asleep, without a hitch, on command, yet others find it so difficult. So much so, that the fact that it's difficult becomes something that's keeping you up. Trying to sleep, is keeping you awake. What a conundrum.

One reason is because your sleep/wake cycles may be distorted. We all have a "standard" built in body clock, which when functioning, is extremely efficient at regulating hormone secretion and biochemical processes. Stimulants, such as caffeine, energy drinks and energy pills work by stimulating the hormone centers of the body, in favour of a wakeful state. If regulated, the adverse effects are preventable, however if there is no system of management in place, the bodies ability to regulate hormonal fluctuations becomes jeopardized, and sleep assumes the form of the evasive treasure within the dragons lair. At this stage, you are able to restore homeostasis, through Qi Gong exercises, homeopathy, meditation or WILL POWER (note: will power is often tag-teamed with nasty withdrawal symptoms).

The other scenario is "The Worrier". The perpetual worry wart, who can't seem to stop thinking about the problems of past, present and future. High strung, sleep deprived and often infested with a cold or flu, these people have so much to worry about, sometimes they'd prefer not to sleep, so that they can get "stuff" done.

This is often a displacement of energy, within your heart centre, which in turn leads to "POW" (Prolonged onset of worrying). To address this issue, you may like to try chanting a mantra. The manta is "SHU" (pronounced: "Shoe"), whilst following the breathing exercise from one of my previous posts. This particular mantra moves energy through the liver meridian, which, when blocked, manifests as anger, anxiety, etc.

What ever the reason, if you're not getting sufficient amounts of sleep each night, you will preform poorly during the day. Prolonged sleep deprivation is a leading cause of misdiagnosed diseases in the world today, along with dehydration.

Go to bed, it's where your wildest dreams come true.

Andray Voronov

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