Each day an increasing amount of people are faced with the question "what is my purpose?" We are all part of a Divine plan. This isn't a path given to you by a heavenly presence, sitting atop a throne within a palace of clouds, this is the path that you've chosen for yourself. As I've previously explained, your nature of being is essentially part of the "Whole". The Whole which is complete and utter unity between all things in the entire universe. Your true state of presence is of a God-being. Therefore, through unity, there cannot be any other but the unit. Every life, every year, every day is an extension of this conscious will to manifest circumstances which require dexterity and devotion to the Self, in order to overcome. Which is why it gratifies me beyond explanation to see so many light beings are awakening to the new paradigm.
There is a curious synchronicity, a Divine balance, within all existence, which has theorists baffled. This balance has long been lost on our planet and mother "feels" the pain. Our mother bleeds, each day, by the hand of "civilization." A global society, which has raped the planet of all natural resources gifted to us, without thanks or appreciation.
As the rainbow tribe awakens from the slumber of days past, we are reclaiming our heritage in the land that we've long traveled. The recent "green" movement is one such example of this global ascension process at work. Our unconscious Divinity is attempting to restore balance, where nature and science can co-exist in a harmonious relationship. One is not greater than the other, they simply compliment each other.
Unconsciously, we are all co-creators of this Divine reality. The reality which sees the re-establishment of a global consciousness grid of pure unconditional love (Christ consciousness grid).
Understanding the Self is essential to understanding the Divine nature of all "things". This is because the Self is essentially "no-thing". An energetic frequency (Aungk) which gives birth to all things. All physical manifestations originate from this nothingness. Thus, returning to this state of ego-less Divinity, one can commune with ALL through unconditional love.
Each and everyday, I give thanks to my Higher Self for the opportunity to be present at this point in time, watching all this wonder and glory manifest in our 3D reality. To know that the work of our ascended forefathers has come full circle and we are remembering the essential balance, which sits in our hands.
The reality you live is yours by choice. Stand up to the responsibility of this choice and awaken as the rainbow warrior!
love always,
Andray Voronov
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