The simple act of changing one's perceptual abilities, to see the "positive" in all situation, keeping a conscious goal in mind, can provide positive states of mind for the initiate, as the popularity of "the secret" has shown, however, a conscious thought cannot influence what is innately controlled by the super-conscious mind. I've previously, explained how the circumstances in your life are influenced by the happenings within the super-conscious (read more here). In this way the conscious mind is limited to the 7±2 pieces of information it's able to hold at any given time. To attract, from universal frequencies, goals through the conscious mind is literally impossible, due to this fact. This is shown by the lack of instant millionaires turning up as a result of living "the secret."
Is there really a "secret"? The simple answer is yes, but it doesn't involve consciously projecting goals into the abyss of time and space. Manifestation of goals is an art form, developed by our forefathers in Kamit (Ancient Egypt). To create something out of nothing is a spiritual journey. A spiritual journey of manifestation, bringing elements of a higher dimension into this 3D reality. The greater your spiritual development, the quicker these manifestations become.
For the average person, who hasn't spent time identifying Self as God, this form of creation is near impossible. This is the initiatory process of life. You are the initiate in life's ever flowing game.
Altered states of consciousness have always been portrayed as a key element in the initiatory process. Every native culture, bar none, have a system of spiritual development, through altered states of consciousness, however, the practice may vary. Whether the triggers are hallucinogens, breathing techniques, fasting, yoga or meditation, the end state of mind always the same, Samadhi.
Samadhi, in short, is a state of unity consciousness, alternatively known as Christ Consciousness. Unity between all things. In this state, access is granted to your own God Self, the super-consciousness. Here, is where seeds may be planted for objective manifestation.
Spiritual ascension requires devotion. Not to be mistaken with devotion to a being outside of the Self, however, it is devotion to your Higher Self. In the Kamitic system of spiritual cultivation, this devotion is depicted by Auset's devotion to Ausar, the Higher Self.
It is obvious that, in this day and age, more and more people are re-awakening to the possibilities that spiritual development holds for us. I say re-awakening, because this is not "new" knowledge. We have all lived through this previously, and as global consciousness is ascending to a new paradigm of awareness, many of us are being thrown into the ether of spirituality beyond 3D, often quicker than many are ready for.
To read more, invest in my E-Book, by clicking below and become the initiate in your own life.
Loving you always,
Andray Voronov
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