Science has shown us that when we are in a mental state of anger, anxiety, sadness, depression or stress a few physiological changes occur to our bodies, which prolonged exposure to, may lead to chronic illness and disease later on down the track.
Basically, any of the above states of mind, cause a shift in your physical chemistry, which lowers your immune system, lowers cognitive function, increases your susceptibility to disease and floods the body with catabolic hormones (hormones which break down tissue). One question I'd like to raise here is, "If something is causing harm to the body, whereby the immune system is weakened and the body is open to physical illness, is that something natural and beneficial to the body?" For example is a bacterial infection natural/beneficial to your body? Is an emotion, which functions similarly to an infection on your mental capabilities, natural/beneficial to you? The answer is no.
Like I eluded to last week, the Divine Spirit, commonly known as your soul, is formless by nature, which means it isn't bound to your physical body. In this formlessness, there is complete and utter unity, which in other words is peace. I've mentioned this is previous posts, and my book, that this state of peace resonates with unconditional love. What this means is that you, by nature, are in complete and utter peace with ALL. It is not in your nature, to feel anger if someone steals from you, it's not in your nature to become stressed out and break down, emotionally, if your finances aren't sufficient each month.
The reason why it's so easy to follow your emotions in situations which draw on past experiences, is because many people are controlled by the animal spirit within them. This is the animal which reacts out of impulse and reflexes in stressful situations. Think about the last time you made a vital decision whilst you were emotionally incapacitated. Choices you make in this state, are almost never the correct choices to further develop your spiritual presence.
In the Kamitic tradition of the Paut Neteru (the tree of life) the "0" sphere is represented by Amun. The modern day misconception is that Amun Ra is the Ancient Egyptian Sun God, where in fact the word Amun, translates to "hidden" and Ra translates to "energy." The word Ra is the Kamitic equivalent of the Chinese term Qi (Life force). So in essence the term Amun Ra, literally, means hidden life-force, which resembles the Christian terms Holy Father/Spirit/Ghost.
This aspect of the Paut Neteru, sphere "0", is in opposition to sphere "10" Geb, which is the material/physical world. Therefore "0" represents the subjective world, and "10" represents the objective world.
If our Divine Spirit is rooted in the "0" sphere, this means that once we are able to overcome the destructive nature of our animal faculties, we too return to a state of peace. Peace and joy, in every thing which happens to you in your life.
This is the journey of the initiate to reestablish the Self with the Ausarian Divine Self. We are all Divine beings, created in the likeness of God. The quality of a drop of water is no different from the ocean, it merely differs in quantity, just as your are a reflection of the Divine.
(This work is based on my interpretation of the information presented in the "Metu Neter: Vol 1"by Ra Un Nefer Amen)
Peace and Love,
Andray Voronov
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