Friday, December 31, 2010

Transition into NOW

The end of another year has approached us, as the space time continuum seem to be shifting even quicker at the present moment. There is a lot of hype being passed around about new years resolutions and making changes. Working as a Personal Trainer, you never hear the end of procrastination getting the better of people. "I want to change, but I'll wait for next year." Next year becomes the year after, and then the year after that. It's the continual cycle of fear which consumes us all, the fear of change.

Change isn't a fearful topic. In fact, change is what drives us towards a future of greater possibilities. Change is our power to make a difference, not only in our lives, but the lives of others. Nothing ever stays the same, and keeping this principle in mind, we can actively take control of the changes which occur in our lives. You are in the drivers seat of the vessel, which is your body, the driver is your spiritual will. Through that spiritual will, you are able to "drive" to any point in reality you wish to see yourself.

You are only limited by your own fears and inaction.

Know that your life isn't being lived by anyone else, but yourself. Even though we are guided on a predetermined path, your right to free will and choice remains active, through out your life. Therefore, whatever circumstances you are currently facing, they are all results of choices which you have actively made at a particular point in time.

Why then, do most of us perpetually wait for the beginning of a new year to take matters into our own hands and direct our lives towards a brighter future? What's wrong with NOW?

"Now" is when those, previously mentioned, changes take place. Now is the key to all change. Without Now all we have is the past and a continuum of future possibilities. Know that quantum mechanics has gifted us with an understanding that implies that all possible realities are currently in existence, in a parallel universe. Every fathomable reality IS a reality, and by understanding this phenomena, you may begin to grasp that every conceivable future is achievable, if you take action NOW.

Coincidentally, "NOW" is the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, in other words a "Double Whammy." Therefore, the time for blaming others for your misfortunes has come to an end, the time of sadness and despair has passed and the responsibility now falls on you, and only you, to be the driver in your own life. Will you fight the current, or navigate your way down stream, "living the dream."

Listen to your intuitive self and become the light at the end of your own tunnel, only then can you truly become the master of your own journey.

Sending infinite amounts of love and light energy

PS. Wishing everyone a happy and joyous 2011

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