The end of another year has approached us, as the space time continuum seem to be shifting even quicker at the present moment. There is a lot of hype being passed around about new years resolutions and making changes. Working as a Personal Trainer, you never hear the end of procrastination getting the better of people. "I want to change, but I'll wait for next year." Next year becomes the year after, and then the year after that. It's the continual cycle of fear which consumes us all, the fear of change.
Change isn't a fearful topic. In fact, change is what drives us towards a future of greater possibilities. Change is our power to make a difference, not only in our lives, but the lives of others. Nothing ever stays the same, and keeping this principle in mind, we can actively take control of the changes which occur in our lives. You are in the drivers seat of the vessel, which is your body, the driver is your spiritual will. Through that spiritual will, you are able to "drive" to any point in reality you wish to see yourself.
You are only limited by your own fears and inaction.
Know that your life isn't being lived by anyone else, but yourself. Even though we are guided on a predetermined path, your right to free will and choice remains active, through out your life. Therefore, whatever circumstances you are currently facing, they are all results of choices which you have actively made at a particular point in time.
Why then, do most of us perpetually wait for the beginning of a new year to take matters into our own hands and direct our lives towards a brighter future? What's wrong with NOW?
"Now" is when those, previously mentioned, changes take place. Now is the key to all change. Without Now all we have is the past and a continuum of future possibilities. Know that quantum mechanics has gifted us with an understanding that implies that all possible realities are currently in existence, in a parallel universe. Every fathomable reality IS a reality, and by understanding this phenomena, you may begin to grasp that every conceivable future is achievable, if you take action NOW.
Coincidentally, "NOW" is the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011, in other words a "Double Whammy." Therefore, the time for blaming others for your misfortunes has come to an end, the time of sadness and despair has passed and the responsibility now falls on you, and only you, to be the driver in your own life. Will you fight the current, or navigate your way down stream, "living the dream."
Listen to your intuitive self and become the light at the end of your own tunnel, only then can you truly become the master of your own journey.
Sending infinite amounts of love and light energy
PS. Wishing everyone a happy and joyous 2011
PPS. Don't forget to comment, subscribe or share this link in facebook/twitter with the buttons below
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sacred Meal
We are never short of things to stick in our mouths. Whether it's veg, fruit, meat or refined foods, the agricultural and industrial revolutions have allowed a plethora of yummy foods to be readily available to us, at any hour of the day. However, have you ever really thought about the food you're shoveling down your throat?
Not unlike yourselves, your food is a living organism. It has the ability to communicate conscious thought through energy. The problem is that many of us have so much going on in our heads that our internal chatter is so loud it drowns out the loving energy transmitted by plants and animals.
For those of you who are vegetarians based on the in-humanity of killing animals with the capability of conscious thought, the bad news is that plants are as intellectually active as animals are. The communicative abilities of plants resonate of an energetic level, whereby they are able to communicate telepathically. Studies illustrated in "The secret life of plants," show that plant react to our well-being and thoughts, just as you would to your best friend. Intention to do them harm will cause a spike in their stress response, before the action has taken place, as if they've read your mind before you've acted on your thoughts.
It was originally assumed that this form of communication had evolved from that of our own, using words and symbols to share knowledge, however, scientists now hypothesise that it is, in fact, a primal form of communication, which pre-dates the development of our 5 senses. Telekinetic communion with the world around us is fundamental to accessing knowledge from the sacred teachers, who have seen the world change through the ages. The sacred teachers which are our plant allies.
It's been a long time since we've lived in unity with our fellow earthlings (flora and fauna included). This chaos has separated us from the world, and our egotistical approach to life has led to a hierarchical tree of power, where we idealistically sit atop.
The disrespect portrayed towards our plant allies had seen the development of disease due to various plants. Cancers in particular, attributed to tobacco, was unseen in native cultures who ceremoniously used the plant in purification and divination rituals. The impurity of the modern day "drug" is what has led to manifestations of disease and addiction, according to Native American Shamans.
As we consume foods, which resonate a level of consciousness beyond our own, we are able to vibrate in unison with that particular food. This is why eating fresh whole foods often make you feel energised and revitalised. On the other hand processed foods diminish your energetic levels and leave you feeling run down and tired. This same principle also applies to meat.
If an animal leads a happy, fulfilled life, it will produce a happy meal. However, if you disrespect the animal, the outcome is a poor quality meat, often tender due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise. This is a trick used by meat farms to increase the weight of an animal. Much like people who consume poor nutrition, animals will also gain weight, thereby increasing there market value as a heavier animal.
I'm a great believer in the theory that you should only eat that which you are able to kill. If you are not capable of killing a particular animal, why are you capable of eating it? This is the connection with our food that has been lost.
All food is sacred, no matter its origin. It is gifted to us from mother nature, and until we re-establish a level of respect and thankfulness towards our meals, we will continue to see an increase in diet based disease and obesity. The food that feeds your body is, completely and utterly, your choice and you cannot blame others for your poor choices.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Good or Evil, who do you choose?
I find the concept of good and evil entertaining. Many will say that one aspect of behaviour is deemed good and the other evil. Built on the systems taught through religious morality, most modern societies have become complacent in their blind obedience towards these values, and I believe it is time to shift and rise above the values, which others have weighed us down with.
Your spiritual Divinity is in unison with Source/Great Spirit/Holy Father. They are one in the same, because we are never disconnected from the Divine, if we understand that it is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Therefore, without separation, there is only unity. Unity must then resonate unconditional love, which is the principle of Divinity. Hence, there cannot be any precise distinction between someone who is good and someone who is evil. Within the subjective realm, the only conscious thought resonating from source, is the consciousness of consciousness. What this means is that God has no ability of distinction between good and evil, conscious only of consciousness itself. Any other thought would contradict God and lead to a god with human qualities, no longer unified. Therefore, Source cannot judge you upon your actions, you are the judge and jury of your own circumstances.
All energy is in unison with the Divine, no matter what it is. However, in saying this, each and every action still carries with it a vibrational signature. As mentioned in my previous post "My Beef With Karma," the vibrational signature, a particular action carries with it, will attract or deflect particular events and thought processes in your life. This is the reality of your link with the Divine. As seen in the depictions of the Ascended Gautama Buddha, through enlightenment the conscious processes of the ascended become that of Source, which is pure consciousness of consciousness.
Therefore the intention behind an action is what carries forth the resonating energy, i.e. if you intend to do harm or act out of love. This is the key to living through the truth of Self. Often the truth hurts, however, you live truth with the intention to gift others with Divine love, therefore your actions carry forth love, even if people take your words for face value and would rather being lied to.
With this truth-complex in place, we've created "white lies" to get over the guilt of lying to our loved ones. In truth, you are only lying to yourself.
In this way we've become lazy in our system of morality and justice, incorporating the ideals of others into our own belief system. Only those, who develop this connection with source are able to act morally, in the interest of all. This is why the Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) leaders (Pharaohs) were High Priests (masters of consciousness).
It is become increasingly relevant that we need to step up to the responsibility of mastering our own conscious capacity, so that we may take hold of our own sense of reality and act through our own understanding of morality, good and evil. An understanding gifted direct from source, bypassing outdated preconditioned concepts, enforced upon us by a heavy handed legal system.
Once spiritual unity with the Divine is implemented into our standard cognitive processes, disunity through crime and hatred, will inevitably decrease, because all that is left is unconditional love and direct communion with Source.
Sharing my love with all
PS remember to subscribe and share this post with your loved ones
Monday, December 20, 2010
Subconscious or SUPER-conscious?
We all know that there is an underlying aspect of our mind, which we find difficult to influence. Modern psychology calls it the subconscious mind. This is were our physical processes are regulated, along with our mental health. Memories and information are stored, biochemical reactions are initiated and reflexes are strengthened. However, is the name subconscious appropriate?
Consciously, we are able to utilise, a fraction of our mental capacity. It's true that at various times of the day various aspect of the brain will become active, depending on neurological activity, however, the argument remains, that our level of conscious capabilities remain minimal. The short term memory of an average brain can hold 7±2 bits of information, the average length of a phone number.
The subconcious mind on the other hand processes and filters thousands, if not, millions of stimuli each second, bringing to awareness only those that are momentarily relevant. At the same time, regulating hormonal levels, body temperature, cell regeneration, nutritional assimilation, digestion, oxygen/CO2 levels and blood circulation, just to name a few.
So then, is it justifiable to create a hierarchical understanding of cognitive function? After all, the existence of the subconscious has never been scientifically proven.
In my opinion, a more appropriate distinction between the varying aspects of cognitive capabilities would be conscious and super-conscious. This is not to say that the super-conscious is superior to the conscious mind, it simple illustrates the divine capabilities achievable through utilising the super-conscious, in unison with the conscious.
The super-conscious aspect of your Self is, in other words, the God aspect of your Self. To connect with the super-conscious is kin to connecting with god. This is a common occurrence for most, when you're dreaming. However, a lack of awareness in the dream state, leads to a turbulent God-Self connection.
This leads to the process of lucid dreaming, and astral projection, whereby whilst in a state of dreaming/trance the initiator is able to navigate through the subjective realm and up-regulate super-conscious function. This technique has been practiced by EVERY native culture known to man. The initiate is often known as the Shaman, a mediator between the subjective (energetic) and objective (physical) realms. Through cross-navigation the Shaman is able to heal, foresee future events, access ancestral knowledge and commune with spirit guides.
Using the modern understanding of dimensional layers, developed through quantum physics, we can gain an understanding of how this is possible. As our vibrational frequency elevated beyond the third dimension we have the ability to simultaneously see into the future and past, not to mention commune with pan-dimensional vibrations/spirits. (Read more in my E-book)
Incorporating the Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) system of spiritual cultivation, as mentioned in Ra Un Nefer Amen's "Metu Neter," mantra's and states of trance are key to re-connecting to, and influencing, the super-conscious and the life-circumstances you consciously experience as a result.
As always, sending forth my unconditional love
PS remember to subscribe and share my posts with your loved ones
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Vibrational Penetration
Previously I wrote about how 99.999999% of the known universe is empty and that the reality we exist in is continuously vibrating, which gives us the illusion of solidity. (Read that post here)
What I want to elaborate on today is how this effects our state of mind and that of others around us.
Like I mentioned previously, your physical being contains varying rates of vibration, which influence the Chakra systems of your 3d body. Physically, there are 7 primary Chakra systems, whose vibrational frequencies manifest as two measurable frequencies, sounds and colours. To read more about this phenomena, Liz Simpson's "Book of Chakra Healing," illustates a concise explanation, with beautiful imagery.
So, if your physical body is vibrational, where does this leave your mental state? Well, your mental presence is no differant. Your mental capabilities and thought processes are able to shift frequencies through mere thought, which will innevitably have a correlating effect on your physical state.
Ever notice when you are mentally fatigued, your physical state will soon resonate at the same frequency? This also brings us back to my previous post, where I mentioned that all physical creations are a direct reflection of their original thought. Everything originates from an idea, which is then willed into physical manifestation.
This same principle applies to your life-force, mental/physical well-being and life circumstances. Once again, "To control consciousness, is to control the world." What this means is that the thoughts you think, also resonate subtle frequencies, which shape the world around us.
A 1993 experiment, attempting to create a localised shift in consciousness, through meditative practice, revealed the vibrational influence brain waves have on our external environment, with mind blowing results. In total 4,000 practitioners took part in the Washington D.C. experiment, allocated to various locations around the city. The simultaneous meditative state achieved by the practitioners was shown to increase the mental/emotional vibration of the entire city, and showed a 23% decrease in assault, rape and murder, during the 23 day experimental period. (read more here)
What this shows is that your consciousness wave-lengths, literally, influences 3D reality. This is possible because, "thoughts are things." Thoughts have just as much influence as a physical action would. This is why many Gurus and Yogis will emphasize living "without judgment."
Let's say for example you are walking down a city street and see someone who is overweight. You think to yourself, "Look at that person, they're so fat." Directing this thought at that person, you penetrate their physical body and embed this idea within their energy field. Not only that, you, yourself, will also resonate with the idea, thereby manifesting a "fat" reality for, not only this person, but yourself too. When you judge others, you are realistically, judging yourself. This is because all "others" are, in truth, reflections of the Self. This is why, I believe, the most judgmental people, are those with a crisis of Self. In other words, lacking Self-Love.
This then brings up the topic of "the law of attraction." As previously discussed in "My Beef With Karma," as you resonate on a particular frequency you attract similar frequencies into your life. Therefore, negative state of mind equates to a negative 3D manifestation of life circumstances. This is why an unpleasant morning often results in an unpleasant day, until you are able to shift your conscious state of mind, once again regaining control over your life. However, the law of attraction doesn't necessarily attract riches through simple thought. This involves a process of trance meditation, utilising "words of power" and overcoming the lower frequencies of your state of being (animalistic nature).
Therefore reality is a direct reflection of your conscious and unconscious state of mind. Negativity resonates with negativity and will attract negativity, and vice versa. To take control of your life, begins with taking control of your mental capacity, to will what you wish to manifest, which all originate from the depths of your thought processes.
Through living truth, there is nothing that is unachievable by anyone, if it resonates with truth. And through truth, you are able to become the Ascended Master you are destined to be.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Spiritual Divinity With No-Mind
Through no mind consciousness, the truth of all is unveiled. The reality of previously discussed vibrational harmony. (read more here)
How then is a state of no-mind defined? To be honest, it is undefinable due to its innate resonance with the Divine, which is formless by nature. To be without form is to be without definition and without ego. Hence, there is a direct link with Source. In fact, the ego is what is holding us to this physical plain. Your "I'ness" is the grounding force holding you in segregational reality.
I believe this is why there is such a great push towards the illegalities of psychedelic substances, which melt the ego and re-connect you with the Divine aspect of your Self. "If you control consciousness, you control the world."
"Control of consciousness determines the quality of life." - Gautama Buddha
Your conscious thought processes are your birth-right. The ability to manipulate and adjust consciousness, to achieve altered states are essential to spiritual development. This can be achieved through meditation, psychedelic substances, trance, hypnosis etc. You are only limited in your spiritual potential when you limit yourself from internal conscious exploration with implied misconceptions.
We need to step up to the responsibility of our mental processes and release the shackles, which have held us down with "isms" and "things."
When consciousness is mastered, we may then elevate as the Master Sage, acting without action.
The greatest of all actions, is knowing when it is necessary to act. This is the Taoist principle of "Wu Wei." For example, if you are caught in quick sand, the most effective path of action you can take is inaction. Know that anything you do, if it is willed through truth, can only be Divine in manifestation. Words you vocalise are, in a sense, the words of God. Intelligence you "download" is the knowledge of God.
To believe that only a "chosen one" is able to commune with God is a belief system ingrained by left-brained separationalist concepts. You are the chosen one. In your personal reality, the universal centre point is yourself.
"Meaning is man-created. And because you constantly look for meaning, you start to feel meaninglessness." - Osho
God is not external to the Self. It is that Zero state of being where you become the Master Sage, with unlimited potential, vibrating unconditional love.
Sending my Limitless Love to all
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Vibrational Universe
What is the physical world around us really made of?
Matter? Atoms? Hadrons? Quarks? well, some of it, however, 21st century particle physicists have now shown us evidence of what has been known in esoteric studies for many millennia. That is, that the universe we live in is 99.9999999% empty. In fact, If you were to compress all "matter" in the entire known universe in one location, it would equate to roughly the size of a pea.
If this is true, then how is it possible that the word around us seems so tangible and solid?
Everything vibrates, with no exception. Vibration is the universal "common denominator" amongst all "things." This subtle vibrational field, accompanied by our conscious perception, is what gives vibrational "waves" the structure of physical "solidity". In reality, if we were to eliminate conscious observation, the entire universe would, theoretically, behave as waves, whereby anything that is anything may be anywhere at anytime.
So, if every moves and everything that moves makes a sound, it's safe to assume that everything makes a sound. A sound which varies depending on the frequency in which is vibrates. The frequency is shifted according to life-force, geometric structure, colour, density, material etc.
This in mind, we can understand why new-agey stores are so heavily riddled with crystals, stones and feng-shui ornaments. Each natural object resonates a particular frequency of energetic vibration, as do each of your organs. Hence, we can safely assume that if we surround ourselves with objects of a particular energetic field, the vibrational off-set will help realign our own frequencies, if we are experiencing turbulent imbalances.
Our addiction to "modern" technology and convenience foods, which don't resonate on a harmonious level with nature, serve only to deregulate and disrupt our natural vibrational fields.
Nevertheless, if you're anything like me and love your laptop and are addicted to "crack"book, follow one simple rule to help alleviate stressors on your system.
"Choose your poisons"
Make a conscious effort to counter negative effects of "things" around you by supplementing your life with objects of a high frequency of life-force energy. This includes, but not limited to:
To read more about the topic be sure to check out my new book "Divine By Design: A beginner's guide to spiritual development" by clicking here.
PS. I invite your comments, suggestions and please remember to follow my RSS feed via the "Subscribe NOW" button on the right hand side of this blog :)
Sending you my unconditional love
Matter? Atoms? Hadrons? Quarks? well, some of it, however, 21st century particle physicists have now shown us evidence of what has been known in esoteric studies for many millennia. That is, that the universe we live in is 99.9999999% empty. In fact, If you were to compress all "matter" in the entire known universe in one location, it would equate to roughly the size of a pea.
If this is true, then how is it possible that the word around us seems so tangible and solid?
Everything vibrates, with no exception. Vibration is the universal "common denominator" amongst all "things." This subtle vibrational field, accompanied by our conscious perception, is what gives vibrational "waves" the structure of physical "solidity". In reality, if we were to eliminate conscious observation, the entire universe would, theoretically, behave as waves, whereby anything that is anything may be anywhere at anytime.
So, if every moves and everything that moves makes a sound, it's safe to assume that everything makes a sound. A sound which varies depending on the frequency in which is vibrates. The frequency is shifted according to life-force, geometric structure, colour, density, material etc.
This in mind, we can understand why new-agey stores are so heavily riddled with crystals, stones and feng-shui ornaments. Each natural object resonates a particular frequency of energetic vibration, as do each of your organs. Hence, we can safely assume that if we surround ourselves with objects of a particular energetic field, the vibrational off-set will help realign our own frequencies, if we are experiencing turbulent imbalances.
Our addiction to "modern" technology and convenience foods, which don't resonate on a harmonious level with nature, serve only to deregulate and disrupt our natural vibrational fields.
Nevertheless, if you're anything like me and love your laptop and are addicted to "crack"book, follow one simple rule to help alleviate stressors on your system.
"Choose your poisons"
Make a conscious effort to counter negative effects of "things" around you by supplementing your life with objects of a high frequency of life-force energy. This includes, but not limited to:
- Organic/biodynamic food
- Crystals
- Stones
- Sacred geometry
- Art
- Love
- Talismens
To read more about the topic be sure to check out my new book "Divine By Design: A beginner's guide to spiritual development" by clicking here.
PS. I invite your comments, suggestions and please remember to follow my RSS feed via the "Subscribe NOW" button on the right hand side of this blog :)
Sending you my unconditional love
Breathe Your Way to a Happier You
In yesterday's post "ONE Simple Technique to Increase Motivation" I explained how taking control of your breathing technique can help re-establish balance within your health and energetic well-being, and how an unfavourable change in breathing patterns will ultimately stunt your spiritual development, focus and motivation.
Why do breathing patterns change? Well, truth be told, the exact cause of a reversed/rapid breathing pattern is different in each case. However, most commonly this mechanism is the result of some form of emotional/energetic trauma experienced at one/multiple points in your life.
As a survival program, to combat external and internal stressors, the body has the ability to utilise what's called the "fight or flight" response. This is the instantaneous decision, fueled by adrenalin, made when faced with a sudden situation, which may cause harm to your physical being.
In the 21st century, we are exposed to numerous sources of stressors, which range from the electromagnetic frequency of your mobile phone/computer/television, the weather, nutritional requirements, emotional state, physical/exercise exertion and chemical exposure. Over exposure to any/all of these stressors results in a prolonged "fight or flight" response, which then leads to abnormal breathing patterns.
Think of the average day most people expose themselves to. Waking to an alarm, poor nutrition, too much coffee, chemical perfumes/colognes, carbon-monoxide, air conditioning, 3 p.m. snack, less than sufficient hydration, poor quality exercise and poor sleep.
Ever noticed why healthy people tend to snore less? This is due, simply, to balance.
Another situation where your breathing pattern may become compromised is when you've experienced a sudden shock, which "echoes" with you for a pro-longed period of time. Believe it or not, this is an issue which may occur during a traumatic birth experience, as you entered the world in your current life.
Once again, consciously taking control of your breathing pattern is essential to increasing spiritual well-being and motivation. Once you understand your physical state of being, you may then actively direct your vibrational presence.
PS. Remember to leave comments or subscribe to this blog for regular updates
Sending you my unconditional love
Why do breathing patterns change? Well, truth be told, the exact cause of a reversed/rapid breathing pattern is different in each case. However, most commonly this mechanism is the result of some form of emotional/energetic trauma experienced at one/multiple points in your life.
As a survival program, to combat external and internal stressors, the body has the ability to utilise what's called the "fight or flight" response. This is the instantaneous decision, fueled by adrenalin, made when faced with a sudden situation, which may cause harm to your physical being.
In the 21st century, we are exposed to numerous sources of stressors, which range from the electromagnetic frequency of your mobile phone/computer/television, the weather, nutritional requirements, emotional state, physical/exercise exertion and chemical exposure. Over exposure to any/all of these stressors results in a prolonged "fight or flight" response, which then leads to abnormal breathing patterns.
Think of the average day most people expose themselves to. Waking to an alarm, poor nutrition, too much coffee, chemical perfumes/colognes, carbon-monoxide, air conditioning, 3 p.m. snack, less than sufficient hydration, poor quality exercise and poor sleep.
Ever noticed why healthy people tend to snore less? This is due, simply, to balance.
Another situation where your breathing pattern may become compromised is when you've experienced a sudden shock, which "echoes" with you for a pro-longed period of time. Believe it or not, this is an issue which may occur during a traumatic birth experience, as you entered the world in your current life.
Once again, consciously taking control of your breathing pattern is essential to increasing spiritual well-being and motivation. Once you understand your physical state of being, you may then actively direct your vibrational presence.
PS. Remember to leave comments or subscribe to this blog for regular updates
Sending you my unconditional love
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ONE Simple Technique to Increase Motivation
Motivational speakers will always tell you about techniques to get you off your A*** and actively taking control of your life. Often simply by being in the presence of a motivational speaker you will feel energised and ready to take on the world. However, if you haven't got the time or the thousands of dollars necessary to see a motivational speaker, there is one simple thing you can actively take control of to instantly increase your motivational drive.
Your motivation can be seen as your life-force (Qi). Cultivation of your life-force, increases your drive and ability to "WILL" your thoughts into actions.
Everything originates from thought. Every invention, endeavour or journey all originate from an original thought/idea. Your ability to will these conceptual ideas into physical manifestation depends on one thing, life-force/motivation.
So then, what is the "secret" technique which can allow your motivation to sky-rocket?
Well, it isn't really a secret. In fact, you do it everyday, and you're doing it right now.
There is a fundamental reason why breathing is so heavily emphasized in eastern medicine, yoga, meditation etc. Your breath controls and balances the flow of life-force energy in and out of your body. And believe it or not re-establishing control over your breath will allow you to exert your concentration and intellectual capabilities over anything which faces your waking life.
As a Holistic Lifestyle Coach the most common problems I see in my clients breathing patterns are the folowing:
- Mouth breathing
- Chest breathing
- Rapid breathing
"So, how do I using my breathing to increase my motivation?"
Experiment with the following exercise for 5-10 minutes and measure you general state of well-being/energy.
Breathing Exercise:
For this exercise you can be seated upright or lying on the floor.
- Take a few long deep diaphragmatic breathes deep into your belly. This should be a natural process. However, if you find this difficult, place one hand over the belly-button and the other on the chest. In this position, you are now able to focus on the hand which is over the belly-button. (this may take many attempts, over a number of days or weeks, to master)
- Once you are able to effectively breath diaphragmatically, the next step is to activate your perineum (muscles which help you stop your flow of urine midstream) As you breath in, squeeze the perineum tight. The breath in should last roughly 4 seconds, fully expanding your lungs and activating your diaphragm, along with the perineum.
- Follow the breath in with a brief hold. (This shouldn't be uncomfortable)
- As you breath out, gently release the perineum, and completely expel the air by draw your belly button in, towards the spine. This "drawing in" is often refered to as "hollowing." The breath out should also last roughly 4 seconds.
- Follow the breath out with a brief hold. (This shouldn't be uncomfortable)
- Continue for 5-10 minutes
Using this technique you are able to customise your motivational output, through visualisation. (More on visualisation in future posts)
I get a lot of people asking me about spirituality and enlightenment. One of the most common questions is "How do I find the path of enlightenment?" The answer is really quite simple. You're on it.
There's a story which was told by Gautama Buddha illustrating this exact point.
In his life, previous to that which he was known as Siddhārtha Gautama, he lived the life of an intellectually ruthless child. He would revel in challenging "enlightened" teachers in debate and find pleasure in overcoming their arguments. He was only a child, yet it was already clear that his ability for lateral thinking was beyond the capabilities of many of his peers.
One day, he caught wind of an ascended master roaming the country side, from village to village. Little Buddha was ecstatic when he knew that another challenger would arrive in his village soon.
One morning, as the sun rose over the hilltop, Little Buddha came rushing to the town square to demean and make fun of this "Ascended Master." However, when he reached the masters audience, and pushed his way to the front of the crowd, little Buddha had an extraordinarily bizarre experience.
He suddenly dropped down on all fours, and began uncontrollably kissing the masters feet.
"What are you doing down there?" asked the old master.
"I don't have a clue! I can't help but want to kiss your feet! I came here to challenge you intellectually, yet I can't even seem to stand up!"
The Ascended Master knelt down, and proceeded to then kiss the Little Buddha's feet.
"What are you doing? You're truly an Enlightened Master, why are you kissing my feet?"
"Little one, we are all Enlightened Masters, we each just take different lengths of time to awake from our slumber."
The path we walk each and every day "is" the path to a state of enlightenment/Nirvana. The problem is that most of us are in a state of spiritual slumber. Once you are able to live in unity with your heart centre and act in accordance with your own Divine Will, the outcome may only be that of Divine Ascension.
Many psuedo-sages will tell you that the only way to achieve a state of enlightenment is by doing A, B and C. However, no other person alive can show you the path forward, beyond your current state of consciousness. This is the journey of the initiate, long traveled by our ancient forefathers, it has since been submersed in our left-brain separatist lifestyles of luxurious material pleasures.
We've lost touch with our Divinity, however I guarantee this is all about to change.
There's a story which was told by Gautama Buddha illustrating this exact point.

One day, he caught wind of an ascended master roaming the country side, from village to village. Little Buddha was ecstatic when he knew that another challenger would arrive in his village soon.
One morning, as the sun rose over the hilltop, Little Buddha came rushing to the town square to demean and make fun of this "Ascended Master." However, when he reached the masters audience, and pushed his way to the front of the crowd, little Buddha had an extraordinarily bizarre experience.
He suddenly dropped down on all fours, and began uncontrollably kissing the masters feet.
"What are you doing down there?" asked the old master.
"I don't have a clue! I can't help but want to kiss your feet! I came here to challenge you intellectually, yet I can't even seem to stand up!"
The Ascended Master knelt down, and proceeded to then kiss the Little Buddha's feet.
"What are you doing? You're truly an Enlightened Master, why are you kissing my feet?"
"Little one, we are all Enlightened Masters, we each just take different lengths of time to awake from our slumber."
The path we walk each and every day "is" the path to a state of enlightenment/Nirvana. The problem is that most of us are in a state of spiritual slumber. Once you are able to live in unity with your heart centre and act in accordance with your own Divine Will, the outcome may only be that of Divine Ascension.
Many psuedo-sages will tell you that the only way to achieve a state of enlightenment is by doing A, B and C. However, no other person alive can show you the path forward, beyond your current state of consciousness. This is the journey of the initiate, long traveled by our ancient forefathers, it has since been submersed in our left-brain separatist lifestyles of luxurious material pleasures.
We've lost touch with our Divinity, however I guarantee this is all about to change.
This is an older post for my old blog
No doubt you’ve heard the saying, no matter what part of the world you’re from, “what goes around, comes around.” I’m, of course, referring to the ancient philosophy of Karma.
Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म About this sound kárma (help·info), kárman- “act, action, performance”[1]; Pali: kamma) in Indian religions is the concept of “action” or “deed”, understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies.[2]
‘Karma’ is an Indian religious concept in contradistinction to ‘faith’ espoused by Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), which view all human dramas as the will of God as opposed to present - and past - life actions. In theistic schools of Hinduism, humans have free will to choose good or evil and suffer the consequences, which require the will of God to implement karma’s consequences, unlike Buddhism or Jainism which do not accord any role to a supreme God or gods. In Indian beliefs, the karmic effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping past, present, and future experiences. The results or ‘fruits’ of actions are called karma-phala.
(I stole that from
I mean borrowed)
I’ve mainly got two issues with this theory.
1. Karma states that actions which are either good or bad resonate with a particular person and as a result they will “suffer the consequences.” This is a major flaw in the topic. If Karma is a universal truth, it would not need a soul to judge whether an action fell into the column of good or bad.
Think of it this way, if there was no intelligent consciousness to make this judgment and separation between to the two given outcomes of a particular action, what outcome would any action have? You can look at it as a sort of “If a tree fell in a forest and no one was around to hear it, would it make a sound?” type argument.
2. Scholars and philosophers would then argue, “God makes the judgment, for God is eternal and judges all beings.” This again has a great flaw. The notion of God (with a “G”) means universal, eternal and infinite. Thus no judgment can be made. To say that God has the ability of judgment, an ability of conscious thought, belittles the universe with human qualities. In this scenario God is not God, but god.
Universal “oneness” makes no judgments and thought self-unity can only be one thing, unconditional love. Simple? sort of.
My view? I, personally believe that action do have consequential outcomes, however, it has more to do with energetic resonance than judgment.
Various actions, such as war, hate and negativity resonate at a low frequency, whereas actions closer to unconditional love resonate on a high frequency. This energetic frequency is projected from within your soul, outward, then events and circumstances (let’s call these concequences, for arguments sake) are reflecting back within you, from the universe. It’s an effect known as projection v. reflection.
In other words, you only get back what you put out. This is, in my opinion a universal truth because vibration needs no perceptual consciousness to exist. In fact according to quantum mechanics without perception all matter collapses into vibrational energy, after all what is matter anyway?
This is where you can find links with “the law of attraction” without all that wishy-washy stuff in between.
As always, sending my unconditional love.
No doubt you’ve heard the saying, no matter what part of the world you’re from, “what goes around, comes around.” I’m, of course, referring to the ancient philosophy of Karma.
Karma (Sanskrit: कर्म About this sound kárma (help·info), kárman- “act, action, performance”[1]; Pali: kamma) in Indian religions is the concept of “action” or “deed”, understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect (i.e., the cycle called saṃsāra) originating in ancient India and treated in Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh philosophies.[2]
‘Karma’ is an Indian religious concept in contradistinction to ‘faith’ espoused by Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), which view all human dramas as the will of God as opposed to present - and past - life actions. In theistic schools of Hinduism, humans have free will to choose good or evil and suffer the consequences, which require the will of God to implement karma’s consequences, unlike Buddhism or Jainism which do not accord any role to a supreme God or gods. In Indian beliefs, the karmic effects of all deeds are viewed as actively shaping past, present, and future experiences. The results or ‘fruits’ of actions are called karma-phala.
(I stole that from

I’ve mainly got two issues with this theory.
1. Karma states that actions which are either good or bad resonate with a particular person and as a result they will “suffer the consequences.” This is a major flaw in the topic. If Karma is a universal truth, it would not need a soul to judge whether an action fell into the column of good or bad.
Think of it this way, if there was no intelligent consciousness to make this judgment and separation between to the two given outcomes of a particular action, what outcome would any action have? You can look at it as a sort of “If a tree fell in a forest and no one was around to hear it, would it make a sound?” type argument.
2. Scholars and philosophers would then argue, “God makes the judgment, for God is eternal and judges all beings.” This again has a great flaw. The notion of God (with a “G”) means universal, eternal and infinite. Thus no judgment can be made. To say that God has the ability of judgment, an ability of conscious thought, belittles the universe with human qualities. In this scenario God is not God, but god.
Universal “oneness” makes no judgments and thought self-unity can only be one thing, unconditional love. Simple? sort of.
My view? I, personally believe that action do have consequential outcomes, however, it has more to do with energetic resonance than judgment.
Various actions, such as war, hate and negativity resonate at a low frequency, whereas actions closer to unconditional love resonate on a high frequency. This energetic frequency is projected from within your soul, outward, then events and circumstances (let’s call these concequences, for arguments sake) are reflecting back within you, from the universe. It’s an effect known as projection v. reflection.
In other words, you only get back what you put out. This is, in my opinion a universal truth because vibration needs no perceptual consciousness to exist. In fact according to quantum mechanics without perception all matter collapses into vibrational energy, after all what is matter anyway?
This is where you can find links with “the law of attraction” without all that wishy-washy stuff in between.

As always, sending my unconditional love.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Neo-Spirituality in a Global Society
I'm excited about this being my first ever official post on
It's an exciting age we live in, where we literally have accessibility to the entire world at our fingertips. With the "CLICK" of a button we can buy clothes from America, electrical goods from Japan or even Furniture from Italy.
We are truly gifted with the grace of such luxurious possibilities.
However, as a globally interconnected society, the responsibility to rise up, against the material pleasures of life, has never been so vital, for the preservation of our own spiritual development. It is far too easy to become consumed by the possessive nature ingrained in our thought patterns by marketing geniuses and corporate salesmen, and saleswomen.
Recently, a dramatic increase in self-help, spirituality and religious material has led me to understand that many of us out there are actually "seeking" the path of enlightenment. We are becoming greater in-tune with our own spiritual prowess and wish to harness the resources available to make life more "comfortable."
To be honest, there is a lot of BS out there. Many people want to make a quick buck by churning out information which they, themselves, have never implemented into their own lives.
Living TRUTH is the most honourable action attributable to man/woman. To live in harmouny with ones DIVINE Self is to live in harmouny with the entire universe.
Within YOU there exists a universe which reflects the physical universe around us.
Master the SELF and you will master the universe.
It's an exciting age we live in, where we literally have accessibility to the entire world at our fingertips. With the "CLICK" of a button we can buy clothes from America, electrical goods from Japan or even Furniture from Italy.
We are truly gifted with the grace of such luxurious possibilities.
However, as a globally interconnected society, the responsibility to rise up, against the material pleasures of life, has never been so vital, for the preservation of our own spiritual development. It is far too easy to become consumed by the possessive nature ingrained in our thought patterns by marketing geniuses and corporate salesmen, and saleswomen.
Recently, a dramatic increase in self-help, spirituality and religious material has led me to understand that many of us out there are actually "seeking" the path of enlightenment. We are becoming greater in-tune with our own spiritual prowess and wish to harness the resources available to make life more "comfortable."
To be honest, there is a lot of BS out there. Many people want to make a quick buck by churning out information which they, themselves, have never implemented into their own lives.
Living TRUTH is the most honourable action attributable to man/woman. To live in harmouny with ones DIVINE Self is to live in harmouny with the entire universe.
Within YOU there exists a universe which reflects the physical universe around us.
Master the SELF and you will master the universe.
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