Sunday, December 19, 2010

Vibrational Penetration

Previously I wrote about how 99.999999% of the known universe is empty and that the reality we exist in is continuously vibrating, which gives us the illusion of solidity. (Read that post here)

What I want to elaborate on today is how this effects our state of mind and that of others around us.

Like I mentioned previously, your physical being contains varying rates of vibration, which influence the Chakra systems of your 3d body. Physically, there are 7 primary Chakra systems, whose vibrational frequencies manifest as two measurable frequencies, sounds and colours. To read more about this phenomena, Liz Simpson's "Book of Chakra Healing," illustates a concise explanation, with beautiful imagery.

So, if your physical body is vibrational, where does this leave your mental state? Well, your mental presence is no differant. Your mental capabilities and thought processes are able to shift frequencies through mere thought, which will innevitably have a correlating effect on your physical state.

Ever notice when you are mentally fatigued, your physical state will soon resonate at the same frequency? This also brings us back to my previous post, where I mentioned that all physical creations are a direct reflection of their original thought. Everything originates from an idea, which is then willed into physical manifestation.

This same principle applies to your life-force, mental/physical well-being and life circumstances. Once again, "To control consciousness, is to control the world." What this means is that the thoughts you think, also resonate subtle frequencies, which shape the world around us.

A 1993 experiment, attempting to create a localised shift in consciousness, through meditative practice, revealed the vibrational influence brain waves have on our external environment, with mind blowing results. In total 4,000 practitioners took part in the Washington D.C. experiment, allocated to various locations around the city. The simultaneous meditative state achieved by the practitioners was shown to increase the mental/emotional vibration of the entire city, and showed a 23% decrease in assault, rape and murder, during the 23 day experimental period. (read more here)

What this shows is that your consciousness wave-lengths, literally, influences 3D reality. This is possible because, "thoughts are things." Thoughts have just as much influence as a physical action would. This is why many Gurus and Yogis will emphasize living "without judgment."

Let's say for example you are walking down a city street and see someone who is overweight. You think to yourself, "Look at that person, they're so fat." Directing this thought at that person, you penetrate their physical body and embed this idea within their energy field. Not only that, you, yourself, will also resonate with the idea, thereby manifesting a "fat" reality for, not only this person, but yourself too. When you judge others, you are realistically, judging yourself. This is because all "others" are, in truth, reflections of the Self. This is why, I believe, the most judgmental people, are those with a crisis of Self. In other words, lacking Self-Love.

This then brings up the topic of "the law of attraction." As previously discussed in "My Beef With Karma," as you resonate on a particular frequency you attract similar frequencies into your life. Therefore, negative state of mind equates to a negative 3D manifestation of life circumstances. This is why an unpleasant morning often results in an unpleasant day, until you are able to shift your conscious state of mind, once again regaining control over your life. However, the law of attraction doesn't necessarily attract riches through simple thought. This involves a process of trance meditation, utilising "words of power" and overcoming the lower frequencies of your state of being (animalistic nature).

Therefore reality is a direct reflection of your conscious and unconscious state of mind. Negativity resonates with negativity and will attract negativity, and vice versa. To take control of your life, begins with taking control of your mental capacity, to will what you wish to manifest, which all originate from the depths of your thought processes.

Through living truth, there is nothing that is unachievable by anyone, if it resonates with truth. And through truth, you are able to become the Ascended Master you are destined to be.

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