I'm excited about this being my first ever official post on blogger.com
It's an exciting age we live in, where we literally have accessibility to the entire world at our fingertips. With the "CLICK" of a button we can buy clothes from America, electrical goods from Japan or even Furniture from Italy.
We are truly gifted with the grace of such luxurious possibilities.
However, as a globally interconnected society, the responsibility to rise up, against the material pleasures of life, has never been so vital, for the preservation of our own spiritual development. It is far too easy to become consumed by the possessive nature ingrained in our thought patterns by marketing geniuses and corporate salesmen, and saleswomen.
Recently, a dramatic increase in self-help, spirituality and religious material has led me to understand that many of us out there are actually "seeking" the path of enlightenment. We are becoming greater in-tune with our own spiritual prowess and wish to harness the resources available to make life more "comfortable."
To be honest, there is a lot of BS out there. Many people want to make a quick buck by churning out information which they, themselves, have never implemented into their own lives.
Living TRUTH is the most honourable action attributable to man/woman. To live in harmouny with ones DIVINE Self is to live in harmouny with the entire universe.
Within YOU there exists a universe which reflects the physical universe around us.
Master the SELF and you will master the universe.
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