Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Good or Evil, who do you choose?

I find the concept of good and evil entertaining. Many will say that one aspect of behaviour is deemed good and the other evil. Built on the systems taught through religious morality, most modern societies have become complacent in their blind obedience towards these values, and I believe it is time to shift and rise above the values, which others have weighed us down with.

Your spiritual Divinity is in unison with Source/Great Spirit/Holy Father. They are one in the same, because we are never disconnected from the Divine, if we understand that it is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. Therefore, without separation, there is only unity. Unity must then resonate unconditional love, which is the principle of Divinity. Hence, there cannot be any precise distinction between someone who is good and someone who is evil. Within the subjective realm, the only conscious thought resonating from source, is the consciousness of consciousness. What this means is that God has no ability of distinction between good and evil, conscious only of consciousness itself. Any other thought would contradict God and lead to a god with human qualities, no longer unified. Therefore, Source cannot judge you upon your actions, you are the judge and jury of your own circumstances.

All energy is in unison with the Divine, no matter what it is. However, in saying this, each and every action still carries with it a vibrational signature. As mentioned in my previous post "My Beef With Karma," the vibrational signature, a particular action carries with it, will attract or deflect particular events and thought processes in your life. This is the reality of your link with the Divine. As seen in the depictions of the Ascended Gautama Buddha, through enlightenment the conscious processes of the ascended become that of Source, which is pure consciousness of consciousness.

Therefore the intention behind an action is what carries forth the resonating energy, i.e. if you intend to do harm or act out of love. This is the key to living through the truth of Self. Often the truth hurts, however, you live truth with the intention to gift others with Divine love, therefore your actions carry forth love, even if people take your words for face value and would rather being lied to.

With this truth-complex in place, we've created "white lies" to get over the guilt of lying to our loved ones. In truth, you are only lying to yourself.

In this way we've become lazy in our system of morality and justice, incorporating the ideals of others into our own belief system. Only those, who develop this connection with source are able to act morally, in the interest of all. This is why the Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) leaders (Pharaohs) were High Priests (masters of consciousness).

It is become increasingly relevant that we need to step up to the responsibility of mastering our own conscious capacity, so that we may take hold of our own sense of reality and act through our own understanding of morality, good and evil. An understanding gifted direct from source, bypassing outdated preconditioned concepts, enforced upon us by a heavy handed legal system.

Once spiritual unity with the Divine is implemented into our standard cognitive processes, disunity through crime and hatred, will inevitably decrease, because all that is left is unconditional love and direct communion with Source.

Sharing my love with all

PS remember to subscribe and share this post with your loved ones

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