In yesterday's post "ONE Simple Technique to Increase Motivation" I explained how taking control of your breathing technique can help re-establish balance within your health and energetic well-being, and how an unfavourable change in breathing patterns will ultimately stunt your spiritual development, focus and motivation.
Why do breathing patterns change? Well, truth be told, the exact cause of a reversed/rapid breathing pattern is different in each case. However, most commonly this mechanism is the result of some form of emotional/energetic trauma experienced at one/multiple points in your life.
As a survival program, to combat external and internal stressors, the body has the ability to utilise what's called the "fight or flight" response. This is the instantaneous decision, fueled by adrenalin, made when faced with a sudden situation, which may cause harm to your physical being.
In the 21st century, we are exposed to numerous sources of stressors, which range from the electromagnetic frequency of your mobile phone/computer/television, the weather, nutritional requirements, emotional state, physical/exercise exertion and chemical exposure. Over exposure to any/all of these stressors results in a prolonged "fight or flight" response, which then leads to abnormal breathing patterns.
Think of the average day most people expose themselves to. Waking to an alarm, poor nutrition, too much coffee, chemical perfumes/colognes, carbon-monoxide, air conditioning, 3 p.m. snack, less than sufficient hydration, poor quality exercise and poor sleep.
Ever noticed why healthy people tend to snore less? This is due, simply, to balance.
Another situation where your breathing pattern may become compromised is when you've experienced a sudden shock, which "echoes" with you for a pro-longed period of time. Believe it or not, this is an issue which may occur during a traumatic birth experience, as you entered the world in your current life.
Once again, consciously taking control of your breathing pattern is essential to increasing spiritual well-being and motivation. Once you understand your physical state of being, you may then actively direct your vibrational presence.
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Sending you my unconditional love
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