Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sacred Meal

We are never short of things to stick in our mouths. Whether it's veg, fruit, meat or refined foods, the agricultural and industrial revolutions have allowed a plethora of yummy foods to be readily available to us, at any hour of the day. However, have you ever really thought about the food you're shoveling down your throat?

Not unlike yourselves, your food is a living organism. It has the ability to communicate conscious thought through energy. The problem is that many of us have so much going on in our heads that our internal chatter is so loud it drowns out the loving energy transmitted by plants and animals.

For those of you who are vegetarians based on the in-humanity of killing animals with the capability of conscious thought, the bad news is that plants are as intellectually active as animals are. The communicative abilities of plants resonate of an energetic level, whereby they are able to communicate telepathically. Studies illustrated in "The secret life of plants," show that plant react to our well-being and thoughts, just as you would to your best friend. Intention to do them harm will cause a spike in their stress response, before the action has taken place, as if they've read your mind before you've acted on your thoughts.

It was originally assumed that this form of communication had evolved from that of our own, using words and symbols to share knowledge, however, scientists now hypothesise that it is, in fact, a primal form of communication, which pre-dates the development of our 5 senses. Telekinetic communion with the world around us is fundamental to accessing knowledge from the sacred teachers, who have seen the world change through the ages. The sacred teachers which are our plant allies.

It's been a long time since we've lived in unity with our fellow earthlings (flora and fauna included). This chaos has separated us from the world, and our egotistical approach to life has led to a hierarchical tree of power, where we idealistically sit atop.

The disrespect portrayed towards our plant allies had seen the development of disease due to various plants. Cancers in particular, attributed to tobacco, was unseen in native cultures who ceremoniously used the plant in purification and divination rituals. The impurity of the modern day "drug" is what has led to manifestations of disease and addiction, according to Native American Shamans.

As we consume foods, which resonate a level of consciousness beyond our own, we are able to vibrate in unison with that particular food. This is why eating fresh whole foods often make you feel energised and revitalised. On the other hand processed foods diminish your energetic levels and leave you feeling run down and tired. This same principle also applies to meat.

If an animal leads a happy, fulfilled life, it will produce a happy meal. However, if you disrespect the animal, the outcome is a poor quality meat, often tender due to poor nutrition and lack of exercise. This is a trick used by meat farms to increase the weight of an animal. Much like people who consume poor nutrition, animals will also gain weight, thereby increasing there market value as a heavier animal.

I'm a great believer in the theory that you should only eat that which you are able to kill. If you are not capable of killing a particular animal, why are you capable of eating it? This is the connection with our food that has been lost.

All food is sacred, no matter its origin. It is gifted to us from mother nature, and until we re-establish a level of respect and thankfulness towards our meals, we will continue to see an increase in diet based disease and obesity. The food that feeds your body is, completely and utterly, your choice and you cannot blame others for your poor choices.

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