There's a story which was told by Gautama Buddha illustrating this exact point.

One day, he caught wind of an ascended master roaming the country side, from village to village. Little Buddha was ecstatic when he knew that another challenger would arrive in his village soon.
One morning, as the sun rose over the hilltop, Little Buddha came rushing to the town square to demean and make fun of this "Ascended Master." However, when he reached the masters audience, and pushed his way to the front of the crowd, little Buddha had an extraordinarily bizarre experience.
He suddenly dropped down on all fours, and began uncontrollably kissing the masters feet.
"What are you doing down there?" asked the old master.
"I don't have a clue! I can't help but want to kiss your feet! I came here to challenge you intellectually, yet I can't even seem to stand up!"
The Ascended Master knelt down, and proceeded to then kiss the Little Buddha's feet.
"What are you doing? You're truly an Enlightened Master, why are you kissing my feet?"
"Little one, we are all Enlightened Masters, we each just take different lengths of time to awake from our slumber."
The path we walk each and every day "is" the path to a state of enlightenment/Nirvana. The problem is that most of us are in a state of spiritual slumber. Once you are able to live in unity with your heart centre and act in accordance with your own Divine Will, the outcome may only be that of Divine Ascension.
Many psuedo-sages will tell you that the only way to achieve a state of enlightenment is by doing A, B and C. However, no other person alive can show you the path forward, beyond your current state of consciousness. This is the journey of the initiate, long traveled by our ancient forefathers, it has since been submersed in our left-brain separatist lifestyles of luxurious material pleasures.
We've lost touch with our Divinity, however I guarantee this is all about to change.
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